Monday, 17 June 2013

Out of sorts....

Hello, I've finally got the oomph! to get back to my blog!  I have been a bit out of sorts/under the weather for the past week or so but am gradually getting back to normal  (normal for me anyway :))  So, I am a bit lacking on the card front at the moment but hope to change that this week.  On a good note, Michael has been slaving away at building my crafty cabin :)  The outside is nearly finished then we can start on the most important bit - inside - lights, electrics, flooring, furniture and moving all my stash yeah!!!!! Not surprisingly everyone else seems to have their own ideas on what MY cabin should be used for, my dad even suggested a snooker table???? I don't know how many times I have to say IT IS MY CRAFTY CABIN!!!  Anyway, there are some photos of the building works on the other page.  I promise I will get a card done and get back to some challenges ASAP.


  1. Hi Vicky, Love your makes they are Beautiful, I popped over from Nikki's blog.. Looking forward to seeing your crafty cabin complete... Following you now.. Have a great sunday!! Hugs May x x x

    1. Dear May, thank you so much for taking the time to look at my blog and being a follower. I hope to have some more photos of my cabin and some cards in the week to post. Take care and have a good week, hugs Vickyxox
